Before completing an entry form, please read these General Rules and Regulations
1. All matters arising out of and not provided in these rules and regulations shall be referred to the Festival Committee. The decision of the Festival Committee in all matters shall be final and binding on all concerned.
2. Competitors must be bona fide residents of a) any place in the Interior of British Columbia, b) or bona fide residents of Northern British Columbia east of Chilliwack; c) or bona fide residents of the Okanogan District of the State of Washington, which comprises from the southern border of the Wenatchee District, north along the Columbia River to Brewster, then north along the Okanagan River to the Border. Participants from other areas are welcome but will receive adjudication only and will not be eligible for awards or to represent the festival at the Provincials.
3. All competitions are open to amateurs only (except classes which are open to all).
The term 'amateur' shall mean one whose principle income is not derived from music or dance services. This condition does not apply to conductors of choirs, bands or orchestras, nor to those bona fide students of music or dance who teach for the purpose of applying the money so earned to the furtherance of their own education. Please disclose if a member of a group is a professional on the registration.
4. Competitors in Choral Societies, Choirs, Bands, or Orchestras must be bona fide members of their respective organizations.
5. All entrants in classes where age limits are set must see that the entry form is signed in the space provided by a parent, guardian or teacher. Age of the competitors is determined as of December 31st before the upcoming Festival.
6. No person may compete in two different entries in the same class, with the exception of junior piano Preparatory A (non-competitive) and Preparatory B classes, where students may enter up to three pieces.
7. No competitor may select and perform the same piece in more than one class within the same discipline.
8. Any competitor / group repeating his or her winning entry in any class within five years will be eligible for adjudication only.
9. No individual competitor / group, will be allowed to use the Festival Performance Area for practice purposes while that discipline is at that venue. Any disregard of this regulation will render the competitor liable for disqualification.
10. Classes may be divided or combined at the discretion of the Festival Committee.
11. Time limits must be observed where such are specified.
12. Additional rules may apply in specific disciplines. Please check Syllabus.
13. Commercial advertising for the purpose of solicitation must be approved by the Festival Committee before it is displayed in any of the Festival halls.

HOW TO ENTER: Entries may only be made online
REGISTRATION: Opens December 1, 2023
REGISTRATIONS: Closes January 29, 2024
Entries may be paid through PayPal or by mailing in a cheque to PKMF. All entry fees are due within 30 days of the registration closing.
1. Confirmation of entry and date and location of classes will be sent directly to the competitor's email on registration.
2. The Committee reserves the right to refuse any entry without assigning a reason for doing so; in such event the fees will be refunded.
3. It is the responsibility of the teachers and competitors to check eligibility of the student and the selection presented. Acceptance of an entry does not ensure eligibility. The Music Festival Committee is not responsible for inappropriate or incorrect entries that are entered into the official program .
4. An entry fee is not returnable when an entry is withdrawn by the competitor. Medical emergencies will be review on a one on one basis.
5. Once the official Music Festival Program has been published, requests for scheduling changes, regretfully, will be denied. A competitor may apply to the Festival Committee to have a category change made to existing entries only until TBA. A $15 fee must accompany such requests. This fee must be received prior to performance.
1. Communication with adjudicators on the part of competitors, teachers, or parents, except through the Music Festival Committee is absolutely prohibited. Contradiction of this rule will result in disqualification.
2. The Music Festival Committee respects the right for all competitors to have a performance setting void of distractions and interruptions. Persons not showing courtesy and respect to the competitor will be removed from the performance venue and discipline action may be taken by the Music Festival Committee.
3. Competitors will be designated to the adjudicator by name and number, and shall not commence before the adjudicator gives the signal.
4. Certificates will be awarded to
a) competitors attaining first, second and third places.
b) A competitor who receives a mark of 80 or more and is the only competitor in that class will receive a First place Certificate.
c) Second and Third places are awarded if there is a second and/or third competitor in the class who meet the standard of 80 or more.
d) Ties for Second and Third place are permitted. Ties will not occur for First place.
e) All competitors aged 10 and under who do not get a First, Second or Third place will be given a Participation Certificate, Participants in Introductory Level A Junior Piano will receive a Participation Certificate, those in Introductory Level B Junior Piano who do not place First, Second or Third will also receive a Participation Certificate. Non-competitive entries, 10 & under, will receive a participation certificate.
f) First, Second and Third place Certificates will be presented to each person in a duo, trio or quartet. Only one certificate will be presented to a group of five or more competitors (music, speech arts); one certificate to a group of four or more competitors (dance)
Participants are required to hand opened music to ADJUDICATOR SECRETARY as they are going to the stage area to perform. No music will be required before the performance. If the adjudicator does not have a copy of the music for the duration of the performance, no mark will be given.
1. Music must be numbered every five bars and be clearly labelled with the class number, competitor's name and number.
2. No person will be allowed on the platform with the competitor except the Adjudicator Secretary and where necessary, the accompanist and a page-turner.
3. Please make your own arrangements for accompaniment well in advance of the Festival.
4. Recorded accompaniment is not permitted in any voice class except choir and the popular instrumental class.
5. Copied music may not be used at the Penticton Kiwanis Music Festival without the written permission of the copyright holder (composer or publisher). The Federation of Music Festivals has now deemed it permissible to use photocopies for page turns as long as the original copy is present at the performance. There must be two original copies present in the competition hall. Use of unauthorized copies will result in disqualification. Adjudicators must have the original published music or a properly authorized copy for the duration of the performance in order to provide a mark. 'Permission to Photocopy or Transcribe' letters and 'Authorized Music' copies must be brought to the Festival and given to the Door Secretary with the music. Sheet music, downloaded from the Internet, may be used at the Festival. However, proof of payment must be included for each copy used. (That is, if two copies are required, one for the accompanist and one for the adjudicator, there must be proof of two purchases.)
6. Second copies of music that are handwritten to transcribe original music to another key will not be permitted unless authorization is given by the copyright holder. Any competitor or accompanist violating copyright laws will be immediately disqualified.
1. Immediately following the class, copies of music and adjudication sheets must be claimed. No certificates will be mailed and the Festival assumes no responsibility for music left by competitors.
2. The presiding captain may require any competitor to certify that the regulations herein set out have been met. If an infringement has occurred, no mark will be awarded but an adjudication will be given.
3. The adjudicator's decision in all matters of adjudication shall be final. The adjudicator may terminate any performance at will. The Music Festival board, in alignment with the syllabus, will have the final decision if required.
4. Protests shall be made in writing to the Festival Coordinator, accompanied by a protest fee of $25.00, said fee to be returned in full should the protest be sustained. No inquiries shall be addressed directly to the adjudicator.
5. Trophies/ Shields/ Cups to be competed for annually are the property of the Okanagan Valley Music Festival Society, unless otherwise indicated.
6. Cups, trophies or medallions, where applicable, will be awarded to competitors attaining mark of 85 or over, and who meet any specified requirements. Recipients of major and monetary awards shall not receive medallions as well for the same competition piece(music and speech arts).

Arrive to the Theater on time.
Turn off your cell phone or, if it must be on, put it on vibrate. Do not speak on the phone during the performance. If you must call the person back do it outside during intermission or after the show has finished.
Don't speak during the performance...whispering is still speaking, so only in an emergency.
Do not take pictures during the performance. It can be very distracting and may result in disciplinary actions including disqualification for the performer(s).
Remain in your seat for the entire performance. If you must leave, exit during intermission. In an emergency, wait for an appropriate break in the show. It is rude to get up in the middle of a quiet moment...rude to the performers and your fellow audience members.
Do not eat or drink in the Theater. If you must have a cough drop, or something of that nature, do not make noise with the wrapper.
Do not put your feet up on the seats or balcony and do not kick the seat in front of you.
Don't put or throw anything on the stage.
Do laugh when the performance is funny.
Do applaud when it is appropriate during the performance.
Do applaud when the performance is over...this tells the performers that you appreciate their work.
Stand and applaud if you really thought the show was great.
Do not whistle or scream out to the performers. Silence after the bell and/or introduction.