About PKMF


Jeanette Palfrey


Recording Secretary

Joanne Forsyth

Festival Executive Director

Judi Ritcey


Discipline Captains


Janet Webb





Joanne Forsyth

Classical Voice

Music Theatre

Speech Arts

Debbie McGladdery


 We endeavour to provide a positive environment where young performers are encouraged to grow and perform.

The purpose of the Penticton Kiwanis Music, Dance and Speech Arts Festival is to complement and enhance the learning/teaching process. It provides an opportunity for students to perform their music, speech arts and dance achievements and to receive a constructive, meaningful evaluation of their performances. In doing so, the Festival aims to foster and promote a lifelong interest and appreciation for music, dance and speech arts. 

In order to fulfill it's Purpose the Festival:

  1. establishes rules and categories for performance by consulting with teachers and provincial/national music festival organizations
  2. engages the services of professional adjudicators to provide constructive verbal and written critiques with competitive ranking
  3. presents certificates, medallions, trophies, scholarships and awards to competitors based on adjudicated results
  4. provides a steppingstone to Provincials and CanWest Festival
  5. presents Highlights Concerts for outstanding performances